Hey all. . Tomorrow is the 15th of August. The same day, in 1947, the white men left our land. How is “Independent India” any different from the “Slave India”? Just that the white men left and the brown men took charge??What exactly does 15th august mean to you all?? A holiday to sit at home?? O yea... Sure it is... (But unfortunately it falls on a Sunday this year. So govt hols minus one.. )So… What else??Think about it. Are we all enjoying and experiencing the real peace, joy and freedom? Some of us find it easy to confide in our friends than in our own parents and we put the blame on ‘generation gap’!! Most of us say that we tend (or bound/forced??) to do things that our friends do just to be accepted in the ‘gang’ and we give it a name ‘peer pressure’. There are a few of us who feel that we enjoy all the freedom in this world only when we hang out with friends every weekend, watching almost every first day – first shows, spending every penny that our dad earns and we call it ‘cool’. And there are some who are just out from school daring and raring to plunge in to the pool called ‘world’ and want to stay far away from home and complete education just because they wanna be ‘free birds’. Furthermore, there are still some who think ‘suicide’ is the only way-out to get out of the pressures of this fast-paced world. Is this real freedom where basically all of us are bound in our hearts and minds???
Real freedom must be first born on the inside. There is more to life than just the material pleasures that this world has to offer. The day, the youth of this nation realize this one truth; India will truly be an independent nation. India will taste true freedom the day you and I realize that our looks are not our first priority, the day we stop spending hours digging into our albums looking for a cool profile pic for our orkuts, twitters and facebooks, realise that facebook is not all that important and the day we stop wanting (not needing) for more. In short, India will be truly free the day we stop living to please others but rather be proud of whom we are, be proud of the Creator who made you and me so fearfully and wonderfully.
An India free from all the evils under the sun like lust, addictions (too much of facebook is an addiction too!!) corruption, bribery, terrorism, suicidal rate, blind faith, child marriage, sati, dowry system, caste and creed discrimination, gender inequality, poverty, child labour, witch craft, black magic, superstitions and what not seems a faraway dream. Sometimes it seems like we’re building too many castles in the air by expecting to see such an “India”. Right?? But hey, can we by any chance hope to see Hindustan anywhere near this dream of ours?? Oh yes. Definitely. But how??
“With man, things are impossible but with God all things are possible!!”

The day we, the youth of this nation break free from all the eastern, western and Indian culture and follow God’s ONE culture, this dream of ours will start turning into a true reality. A cleaner, greener and a standardized India will follow automatically. To put it in a nut shell, a truly ‘Independent India’ will be born the day Youngistan finds THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE and sways to the tune of ‘marg paaya, satya paaya, jeevan paaya re’!! Jai Hind!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6zQU3KLgG8 this is the song.. 'maarg paaya, satya paaya, jeevan paaya re..' titled 'Yeshu paaya re' by Anil Kant.. :)
nice attempt Jeni.ofcourse everyone across the Globe needs individual freedom.but,yeah posting this message at the context of indian I DAY celebs would make some ppl atleast think about this,and realise and repent back to the Creator.Good work done..hope u continue blogging in the same way ..
thnx sr.. glad u liked it.. :)
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