Ah... 20 years... 20 years of what?? Uh... Nothing.. Just that I was born on this day, September 24th 20years back...:D no more a teen... I must admit, the last 7 years were some of my best years of life… The teen age... Loads of fun, wonderful friends, full-on entertainment, bits and pieces of studying, some amazing mentors and wonderful people - i have had them all at some point in these seven years…
Through all these years’ highs and lows, ups and downs, I’ve seen one thing in my life – experienced it and tasted it – the love, goodness, mercy and favour of my Jesus. Ah!! What a friend I have in Jesus. I wake up in the morning and see through the window, and see the sun rise on the horizon and I can do absolutely nothing but thank the 'Creator' for the new day He has added in my life. Food on time, a wardrobe overflowing with clothes, a comfortable house to live in, a lovely family and amazing friends and I know I have a 'Provider' in Jesus. A church, fellowship with people saved by grace and i am reminded that I serve a God who is 'Active and Alive'. The supernatural healings, some wonderful miracles in my life and all I know is that God is 'Powerful and Almighty'. Sad, down and out, bogged down and confused and I find a 'Comforter' in Jesus. More than anything He has revealed Himself as a 'Healer' time and again. Above all, He has given me the greatest gift of all- the forgiveness of sins and a free ticket to Heaven and I found it at the foot of the Cross where His blood was shed for me. No greater love. He is my 'Savior'.
The Bible makes so much sense when I read it. Each time a new thought, a word of encouragement, advices and warnings, I have had it all by reading the Grand Old Book. I have learnt to trust Him for everything that I’ve ever wanted. Even a power cut at home... a silent prayer, probably a playful one but God takes it so seriously and He lights up the place again. Woo... I have grumbled, I have murmured, I have been angry but through it all, He has been so patient with me. He has taught me to give up things that I’ve loved more than Him, convicted me of my sins and yet He has been none but 'a Loving and a compassionate Father'. I am indeed blessed for I didn’t choose Him but He pulled me towards Him.
One Jesus. And He plays so many different roles in my life. My all in all. I know that there is nothing I can do to make Him love me more and nothing that I’ve done could make Him close the door ‘cos because of His great love that is free, pure and so powerful, He took up the Cross so that you and I would come.

Now that He has done so much for me and He continues to shower His blessings on me, what have I done for Him?? 20 years is 20*365*24*60*60!! High time.. the only way I can thank Him is by obeying Him, His one commandment – – “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (matthew 28:18-20) Aww.. His awesome character is revealed even when He commands me. He has promised to be with me forever. What a God!! He died for me and now, I will live for Him.
Listen to this song - full of life and meaning and this is just exactly how I am feeling right now... 'In Christ Alone' by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty...