September 5th is celebrated as Teachers’ Day all over India. But for some reason, it didn’t have any impact on me this year and it was the usual busy ‘Sunday’ for me. But this one special show on ndtv ‘aasman choole, dhuniya badal de’, meaning ‘touching heavens, changing earth’ (translated based on what it meant to me!! ) totally shook me and drew me to write this blog.
Some real life stories that were brought up on the show…a little boy who lived along with his parents in a flood-prone area said how frustrating it was for him and his neighbours to run to a higher place each time the floods came only to come back and see that his house was in total ruins and all his books and notebooks were gone in the floods. Each time they had to start all over again, right from scratch, and as they would get a sense of life getting back to normal, they would face yet another flood. He was sharing on how he wished there were more teachers in his school and had a yearning desire to learn everything he could in the little time he got, quickly grow up and assist his father in helping his family meet both ends. Another instance where a 10 year old girl shared on how they always had to live in fear of being caught by the naxalites and so never enjoyed the freedom that girls of her age enjoyed elsewhere in this country. She had a burning desire to learn and make it big in her life and somehow get her family out of that place but it almost seemed like nothing but a passing dream. A teenage boy living in the remote eastern parts of India described on how he was miraculously freed from the terrible bondage of drug addiction and now has the grit and determination to lead a clean life and ‘be the change’ for his society. Each of the 3 kids came from different parts of the society, with their own share of troubles and hardships but had one thing in common – the desire to learn and make it big in life. How they wished they had proper schools and proper education they longed for!! Woo... their stories gave me Goosebumps..
Seeing their sorry state made me realise how blessed I was to have got an opportunity to study in some of the most wonderful schools and college. Yet, here we are hoping and praying for rains so that we get a break from schools and colleges while there are people who wish that they could carry on with their studies without any breaks. Here, we are waiting to see if teachers would leave us free or hope that they are on leave but there are our brothers and sisters in the same nation hoping that they have enough teachers in their institutions. This is the cruel truth, hard to digest but yes, we live in a society of extremes!!

But above all, my Jesus has been my best teacher. Each time I read His Word, it would mean so much to me. There have been instances when I would feel so miserable not knowing in which direction I had to put my foot and a beautiful verse from the Bible would lead me. A silent prayer has done wonders in my life. No one can convict me of my wrong doings or lead me in the right direction the way Jesus does. Ever grateful, Lord!!
As I write this, i am forced to think as to why this Teachers’ Day passed by as just any other day although I’ve had innumerable teachers who have impacted my life and I could just think of one reason- probably my college staff just couldn’t re-create the magical impact that my school teachers had on me. Why? I would say, not all, but mostly I find people taking up teaching as their profession only if every other profession closes its doors on them. As Jacques Barzun rightly put it, ‘teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.’
Since the time I entered college, I’ve always had this urge to take up teaching as a profession and this has never crossed my mind ever before in my life!! If God wills, I would take this up as my profession just for the sheer passion of impacting others’ lives, affecting eternity. The very thought that the responsibility of bringing up the next generation lies in the hands of teachers excites me and I would love to do it. While Jesus lived on Earth, He taught the people wherever He went and impacted so many lives and their life was never the same again. I would love to do the same and really pray that there are many more friends of mine in this society who are ready to take up this challenge and not look down on teaching as a profession. We need teachers who give their students something to take home besides their homework. This dying world needs us to stand up and help them ‘Touch Heaven and Change Earth’.. oh yes!! I would love to live in a society where everyone has this one desire,”aasman chooye.. dhuniya badal de!!”
I salute all the teachers who are passionate about what they do in their life which is nothing less than a great service to mankind. It is the only profession that teaches all other professions!!
superb jeni :) :) i just pray that ur wish of becoming a teacher comes true :) otherwise, some students might miss the greatest teacher in their life.
but this time teacher's day was spl to me :) spoke to some of my best teachers.
Nice one..yep,we do wish and pray for holidays for rain and free hours ..That's coz of the age we're in..wanna be in comfort zone most time :).And yeah Jesus has been the best teacher for everyone in Life
And with respect to your aim to be a Teacher,well nice desire which many wouldn't think about even(frankly to say ,i've never thought about that too),but yeah that's a previleged profession.Let's see how God takes you :)
thnk u:)
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