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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beautiful Exchange - It's still your CHOICE

Picture this : 
Place : Garden of Eden
Time : Day time
Weather conditions : Cool, perfect for a stroll in the garden. 
Other info : Place is filled with God's presence. Atmosphere is perfect for an intimate relationship with God.
Event :  Eve goes for a walk. Satan thinks,"What better time than now to entice the woman!" Satan succeeds. Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, thereby disobeying God's command. 

[Sin enters the world marking the commemoration of the Fall of Man.]

Remember, Eve was in a garden that had God's presence at all times. This teaches us that we just can't blame the place or the people around us for the sins that we commit. It is never a question of where we are or with whom we are, it is always about WHO we are.

Then what made Adam & Eve fall?
Man was the only creation of God who was given the gift of choice. Yes, Eve had the power to choose. Little did Eve know that satan had craftily spun a web around her as she was involved in a conversation with the serpent. She had two choices : Either to trust what God had told her or to trust what the serpent was telling her. She CHOSE the later and that led to the Great Fall.

Just because the first humans misused the power of choice, God didn't snatch it from the whole of mankind. He still gives us the power to choose. He lets you choose every thought, word and action of yours.

Every time you and I went away from Him, CHOOSING to do stuff that didn't please Him, He always CHOSE to remain closeby. Around 2000 years ago(about 33 A.D.), on this 'Great Friday', Jesus CHOSE to carry the Cross for all our losses and insecurities. He CHOSE to die to give you and me a new lease of life, a brand new start in those areas of life that have been a failure so far. When they pierced Jesus' side, both blood and water flowed. Medically, Jesus' heart burst. Spiritually, He died of a broken Heart so that we wouldn't.

Such unconditonal love that He traded His life for ours in a 'Beautiful Exchange'.

And now there are two choices for you :
1. A package gift called 'Beautiful Exchange' awaits you at the feet of Jesus. 
Package Inclusions : Righteousness, peace and joy plus an Eternal Stay in Heaven.
Conditions : Repent, and receive it. Lead a life that pleases God.
Cost : Free 'cos Jesus paid in full on the Cross.

2. A banner that says, "Offer" but with the '* conditions apply' tag.
Offer Inclusions : A worldly life that MAY seem all fun and decorated. The path to destruction cannot get easier.
Conditions : No true peace and joy included. You are solely responsible for whatever happens.
Cost : Your life.

The choice is yours. You must choose. 

Give your life to God while there is still time! 

I want to meet you in Heaven. Will you?

P.S: There is a poll in the right sidebar of the Homepage. Feel free to take it. :)


Handel Harold George said...

I would like to cite one common misbelief which you have posted in the beginning of this post which goes like 'Adam and Eve eat the apple'. I wonder which version of Holy Scripture says Adam and Eve ate apple. I believe there are no credible citations which you can point. However they had the forbidden fruit, and that i agree.
God bless.

Jenifer Sam said...

Thanks mate. Spot on. There is no Biblical evidence that they ate an apple but why this thought has been passed on through generations is because the latin word for 'apple' and 'evil' is malum. Maybe, I shouldn't have used the word 'apple' here. I'll change it. Thanks for taking time to read. :)

Handel Harold George said...

I'm glad that you have changed it. Bible was written mostly in Hebrew, Koine Greek and some portions in Aramaic. In course of time, historians and translators gave their contributions and finally in different regions evolved different versions, each with its own assemblage of omissions and additions. Well I'm no good at history. :)
Are you on a mission or crusade to promote the Word of God?

Jenifer Sam said...

How about calling it.. a passion! :)And we needn't promote His Word, just let the world 'know' it & accept.:)

Handel Harold George said...

Best wishes :)

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