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Sunday, October 2, 2011

That 'special' feeling

It was last Saturday night and we had a small dinner with few of my friends and relatives. The occasion : my birthday. After dinner, my friend handed over a pen drive to me and asked me to check it out once I go home. As I was jaded out, I went straight to bed as I reached home. The next day, I probably got caught up with my other work that I totally forgot about the pen drive until a friend reminded me about it. When I checked out what was in the pen drive, it was indeed a surprise. Over 40 videos inside! Each one was a birthday wish from my friends in college. It was absolutely stupefying to see how most of them had a special story with which they could relate to me. It was a special feeling. Later that night, I called up or text-ed some of them (and tweeted about it too..) to let them know how special each one was! Everyone replied with,"Glad you liked it..." and such similar stuff but there was one thing most of them told me - "I was wondering why there was no word from you all this while. So, just thought that maybe, you hadn't seen it yet." Maybe, had I seen those videos on that same night, I needn't have kept my friends waiting to hear from me. Anyway, the special feeling still lingered on.

As I imbued into that special feeling, I realized that sometimes, this is how I take God too. He has something special to tell me but then I fail to take time out to sit and listen to Him speak. He has taken time out to create something special to surprise me, adding His love and affection to it, but I am too busy in my own fussy world that by the time I realize that, I have kept Him waiting for too long to tell Him how grateful I was. What's worse? I am sometimes completely blinded by the worries and pleasures of the world that I fail to see that special thing He has in store for me just like how I might have risked not seeing those videos at all had my friend not reminded me about the pen drive!

Many a time, we fail to realize that our God conceives us to be 'special'. He has our story completely fashioned all by Himself and is waiting to share it with us. It is just that we don't take time to hear Him whisper it to us. He is dying to talk to us but we just tend to remain in our own clumsy world. Sometimes, a huge miracle from God is what it takes for God to remind us that He considers us to be special. We just fail to realize that even if God hasn't blessed us the way we expect Him to, He still considers us 'special' and will never let us down.

The sweet, little reminders that He sends doesn't hit us hard. We fail to look around us and see what all He has done for us to make us understand that He considers us special. He gave me just enough oxygen to sustain me. He had decided who my parents should be even before creating me. Even the size of my feet perfectly complement my entire self. I can tell you with full confidence that even if I was the last person standing on this planet, He would have still made the Sun rise in the morning and made those birds sing their songs. How can I be so sure? Because when Adam was the only human being on Earth, God didn't tell Him," Listen Adam, I can't do all of this just for you. Let more people join you and I'll set this Earth in order after that. Until then, just adjust with what you have." Woah.. Imagine God saying that.. But He didn't. In fact, He got everything set and then created Adam - a special creation.

So dear friend, if you're thinking that God has just forgotten you or if you are still waiting for that one big miracle to happen in your life, let me tell you - God considers you special and all it takes is for you to believe it to experience it. He has a uniquely designed story for you which only you can relate to and no one else! YOU ARE SPECIAL! Take time to hear Him say that to you today.

"Thank You Jesus for reminding me that I am special in Your eyes. Thank You for all the blessings that You have showered upon me to show me how special You consider me to be. I am sorry that I have failed to see them and have not picked up Your reminders wherein You had called just to tell me that I am special. It amazes me how You manage to teach me a new lesson every birthday. Give me the grace to respond to Your calling by opening my eyes and ears to those things that You want me to see and hear."

P.S. : To all of you who took time to wish me to make me feel special which in turn helped me learn this lesson, THANK YOU! :-)


kirthana said...

nice one :)

Anonymous said...

We are always special to Him. "Take time to hear" is something I need to do. Nice post :) Happy birthday sister!

Jenifer Sam said...

@kirthana : thank you. :)

@samgunalan : thank you brother! glad that you took time to read it. :)

JC Nithya said...

very true, those sweet, little reminders are the ones which make up our lives...yet, many a time, we pass by without acknowledging them... Good post, jenifer!

Jenifer Sam said...

@JC Nithya : Thank you sis for taking time to read. How often we forget them! May God give us the grace to see the way He wants us to see. :)

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