I love looking up at the sky. It sometimes has such a beautiful mix of colours. As I flew back home after this summer vacation, I got another opportunity to get a closer view of the beautiful white clouds spread across the blue sky like cotton balls. Beautiful! And I managed to capture the moment as well. At that moment, I could just feel myself leaping inside and say, “Wah, Lord! You are such a master at creation.”
Even now as I write this, it is raining outside and it makes me wonder how Noah and his family would have stood awestruck when God set the rainbow in the sky just for them! Those beautiful seven colours for the first time ever declaring the promises God has for us! The clouds, the night sky, blooming flowers, chirping birds and all these little things around us amuse us and we just can’t stop admiring the beauty in them.
The Bible says that when God created the light, the water, the dry ground, the skies, the trees, fruits and flowers, the animals and the birds, He saw that it was ‘good’. But when God created man, He said that it was ‘very good’. The things that look so beautiful in our eyes are just ‘good’ according to God and we look much more pretty and precious than all these through the eyes of our Creator!! When He could create everything by just the utterance of His Word, He took time to ‘make’ us in His own image!! He knew us even before we were formed in our mother’s womb. What a privilege!
And we, not knowing the importance of how precious we are in God’s sight, keep grumbling about our looks, the way we walk, the way we talk and say, “How I wish I was a little like this..” But all that God wants you to know is just this:
“If you’re dark or if you’re fair or if you’re fat or lean, God loves you.
If you’re tall or if you’re short or if you’re in between, God loves you.
He loves you when you’re happy; He loves you when you’re sad,
He loves you when you’re very good and even when you’re bad.
No matter what you look like, no matter what you do, God loves you,
He makes me happy, God loves you, He loves me too, Yeah! “
Imagine how you would feel if you had worked carefully with all your heart and soul on a work and you really thought it was one of your best works only to find out that people are just not convinced with your work and they dislike it. This is exactly how God feels when you start grumbling about your appearances and talents that God has given you. It grieves Him.
I remember one of my friends was telling me how bad she felt because people made fun of her for her features and how she just wished she was someone else.

But hey, God has created you in His own image. And each one of us, He created unique. I can challenge you that you are the only person in this world who can be like you. No one can even try.
So next time you feel down and out and before you could say a word ill about you, hold on and remind yourself of this:
“He’s still working on me, to make me what I ought to be,
It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars,
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and mars,
How loving and patient He must be…
He’s still working on me.
There really ought to be a sign upon my heart,
Don’t judge me yet, there’s an unfinished part,
But I’ll be perfect just according to His plan,
Fashioned by the Master’s loving Hands.”
So cheer up friend! No one can beat you in being you. You are one of a kind! Yes, you are a masterpiece.
So, how are you feeling today mate?? Listen to this song video. Should make you feel good.
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