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Saturday, December 31, 2011

The flight to 2012.. Are you on it?

This year hasn't been the best of years for most of us. For some, it might have been an emotional drain out and for some, failing to achieve the goals set for the year must have been the reason. However, there must be a few of you who are all smiles because this year has brought you only success or in other words, anything that you touched turned into gold. For me, this year has been much like the Chennai roads. When newly laid, I gave myself a shining look and everyone a smooth ride. But with the rains, I had my own pot-holes and gave others a bumpy ride too. 

So, in 2012, I have decided not to stay on the ground but give myself a push and fly high. (Ah! The philosopher in me is winning here.) In this flight, I will not be the pilot, but a simple passenger. One of the mistakes that I did in 2011 was to try and take the place of the pilot when there was a storm because somehow in haste, the skeptical me told me that my Pilot will not be able to give me a safe landing and ergo, I decided to take the matter in my hands. But the ignorant me never realized that head-knowledge wasn't going to take me anywhere. I neither knew how to fly nor did I know my destination. But being the gracious God that He is, He took over each time to give me a safe landing. I realized that in every bumpy ride, I not only gave myself an unpleasant journey but also my Pilot, who sat patiently beside me to take over from me when  He knew I wouldn't be able to handle any more.

Did you do that?(To every hand that is raised, thank you. I am not alone. You are not alone either!) 

Have you listened keenly to the announcements made on the aircraft before take-off?

"Welcome aboard flight ABC with service to XYZ. My name is QWERTY and I'll be the purser for your flight today..... Ladies and Gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt....." and it continues.

When you traveled for the first time, that announcement would have meant the world to you. You would have followed the instructions syllable to syllable. However, once you become a frequent flyer, you tend to give a damn to those announcements. You put on your headphones and go into your own world. 

This is exactly what we are doing with our lives too. Most of you reading this have lived nearly two decades of your lives already. You and I have become these frequent flyers who have seen nearly twenty January 1sts. Our head tells us that now, we are the experienced lot, the pros who can take on the world. We have great ranks, great jobs, great families and great friends. You name it and we have it. Yet, when there is a storm, we all panic. Whether you are a novice or an experienced campaigner, you tend to panic. The only difference being the novice follow the Captain's instructions while we try to do things on our own. 

Remember when you first accepted God into your life? Didn't you give Him the first place? What happened now? The Captain has promised a safe landing. If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Determine to take every issue you face to the Lord and trust Him for an answer.

If your 2011 hasn't been great, don't worry. It is not just you who has done that bad. Sachin is yet to score his 100th ton, Federer hasn't won a single Grand Slam this year, Anna Hazare hasn't yet succeeded in getting the Lokpal passed and my cgpa touched an all-time low this year (Nobody ask my cgpa now and deviate!).
Decide to move FORWARD, put the PAST TO BED, decide to TURN THE PAGE. 
This year, resolve to listen to your Captain as He says,
"I know the thoughts that I think toward you,.. to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11,12)

This is my anthem for 2012 :

"I know who holds the future
And I know he holds my hand;
With God, things just don't happen
Everything by Him is planned.
So as I face tomorrow with its
problems large and small,
I'll trust the God of miracles.
And give to Him my all."
- Jon Ritchie

I am going to have a great 2012 and so are you because I know, 
"In Your Book, they all are written, the days fashioned for me."(Psalm 139:16)

My 2011 made me see great blessings and taught me great lessons. I am grateful to God for that. However, my 2012 can be better if I decide to find ways to repair those pot holes that found their way into my life. This post is more of a self-reminder. 

So, there you go. Fasten your seat belts and... Oops, looks like there is an announcement on your flight. Tune in..

"Welcome aboard flight 2012 with service to righteousness, peace and joy. My name is Jesus and I'll be the purser for your flight this year."

Bon Voyage! Have a memorable 2012.


Prem said...

Great post. Most of the times we forget the fact that "God is always with us" and we try to take things on our own and fail miserably. Still Jesus never lets us down! He comes to our rescue on time.

Have a blessed New Year 2012!

Jenifer Sam said...

@Prem : Thank you. Wishing you the same. :)

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